Thursday, May 30, 2013

Anime North 2013: Day 2

I arrived at the Double Tree in the afternoon and started to take shots while on my way to find friends.

When I met up with my friends, we started to play Guess Who? Anime. We had a few rounds of guessing before being asked to move by staff. A line up for an event needed the space.
The rounds of Guess Who? Anime were great test runs. I may have to make more considerations on what characters to include in the game.

I later walked around the entrance to the Toronto Congress Centre to find other friends.

It was very crowded on Saturdays, but then again, what pop culture convention isn't the busiest on a Saturday?

Now for a personal announcement: I do not plan to go to an anime related convention again until I find a job that will lead me to a career path. The next time I am at a pop culture convention will be when I have full-time work and after I have conducted enough research and materials to set-up tables at conventions to rally information on waste management in the realm of anime, comics, and gaming. Yes, I put manga in the same category as comics. :) For the next year, my time will be spent on side projects and jobs. I am still going to post on this blog and if I happen to be in the area of and during a convention, I will take pictures.

Thank you!

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