Before I go on about how much I'm looking forward to this new year in this coming week, I will list three winter break highlights from last year (which was less than 2 weeks ago).
1. Cleaning my room
I like to clean my room because the stuff I encounter in my room all carry memories. I hide many of my old stuff in boxes and drawers, so I rarely see them. While cleaning dust in my room and making space for a new bookshelf, I found a whole stack of Shonen Jump and Shojo Beat magazines. There was also a small Beyblade and sample PC games CDs. I'm never throwing these things out.
2. Fat pigeon in TTC's Bathurst station
I was in TTC's Bathurst station with a friend and saw a big pigeon. Big pigeon is big.
3. Lego Pokémon
Who's that pokémon?
I know there are Pokémon Lego sets, but I find using normal Lego to make Pokémon much more exciting. My family and I visited the Lego store at
Fairview mall on boxing day and bought [literally] a cup of Lego. I got to make a bulbasaur, an ivysaur, and a lapras.
Thanks to the holidays, I found old and new things to do. I plan to finish an old story I've been working on for the past few years and I was introduced to Yugioh star-shipping. I also want to try out this excel-sheet-based landscape pollution modelling activity I found in an old environment workbook,
Learning Landscape Ecology.