A sign!

The long tunnel to the ticket booths.

The entry way next to the box office.

What I got from the box office and entry way.

First glance of the show room.
There weren't as many people as I expected at the convention, but then again, it was Friday and it was almost dinner time. Most people who attend Fan Expo every year probably go on Saturday too.
Many of the booths in the main attraction room had interesting displays. The Real Steel movie display area held three models of its robot characters. There was also a Lego Hagrid and a Lego Optimus Prime. Ubisoft had a display wall of Rabbits and Assassin’s Creed figures. One booth had the original model of Abin Sur from the Green Lantern movie and another had My Little Pony toys. There were many awe-inducing things to see.

3D street art outside the South building.

A man who went by the name of Dr. Phil was offering cinnamon-smelling medicine. His name tag said he was a synthetic digestion analyst.

Dr. Phil--Synthetic Digestion Analyst
There were many different waste bins around the convention center. I had to wonder what people did with the waste that doesn't go in any of those bins.

We met up with Gurjit and her gang later, but our time was cut short due to a "Please do not touch" sign under the Harry Potter "It All Ends" poster board.
At some point I started asking cosplayers for pictures and to do poses for me. It was mostly pointing at a sign. (Excuse me for taking blurry pictures: my hand tends to shake these days.)

This cosplayer seemed a little confused about my request for a "life's good" pose.

Bronies unite!

Suki from Avatar: The Last Airbender

Anthony as Inuyasha

I love the Lego table that was open to anyone who wanted to play with Lego. It was really small though. I was glad that there weren't many people around the time we were there, otherwise there would have been a big crowd around it and we wouldn't have had the chance to play.

I like to build upside down pyramids with Lego.
Outside of the showroom was a table with touch screen monitors where people could enter a contest/draw. (The monitor looks so nice! Don't you just want to grab it and take it home?)

Out in the hallway there was a gorgeous red carpet and background screen. A few Fan Expo staff/volunteers were stationed next to it surveying people (well, they did with my friends and I) and offering people help with taking pictures.

And so...

That's all I have for Fan Expo 2011. Thank you for reading!
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